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Latinas in the Borderlands

As an organization co-founded by Latinas and grounded in the rich multi-cultural legacy of the Texas-Mexico Borderlands, Santuario Sisterfarm is shaped by the experience and wisdom of Latina women.

Latinas understand in their bodies the inextricable interconnection between ecological and social justice issues. Clean water, poor neighborhoods, energy rate hikes, secrecy in government decision-making and collusion with big business, immigration policy, cuts in education, environmental racism, tax benefits for the rich at the expense of the poor, family violence, health, low-wage jobs. All these and similar issues are interlinked—and all are part of la lucha that Latina women continue to wage daily, despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

This ongoing lucha represents an extraordinary dedication to community—to the whole Earth community—that is critically needed in our world today. This way of being and seeing things is a gift that Latinas of the Borderlands offer our planet at this pivotal time.

It is a gift we raise up and honor.


Maria: Daughter of Immigrants
The compelling autobiography and reflections of María Antonietta Berriozábal, San Antonio’s first Latina City Councilwoman and founding President of Santuario Sisterfarm, will be published by Wings Press in 2011. Don’t miss it!



Agua Es Vida: Eco-Mujerista Theology of the Borderlands
A story about the powerful role that Latina women have played in helping to protect the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio’s sole source of drinking water. [88 pages]
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Chronology of PGA in News Accounts [1984-2009]
Annotated chronology of news accounts about the struggle over construction of a PGA golf course and hotel resort over the sensitive recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer. [178 pages]
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