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Sor Juana Press

Sor Juana Press is dedicated to publishing the works of women—particularly women of color and women religious—on topics rooted in women’s spirituality and relationship with Earth, la Madre Tierra.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

The Press invokes the name and honors the memory of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695). Sor Juana was a Mexican nun, scholar, poet, playwright, musician, and scientist—a woman with a sed de conocer (a thirst for knowing)—who was silenced for advocating women’s education. Hers is the first voice in the Americas to speak out in favor of a woman’s right to learn and to express concern about human depredation of the environment.

The Press serves as an educational arm of Santuario Sisterfarm, helping us to raise up and honor the voices and wisdom of women not often found in mainstream print.


